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Hamstergames Update: Ein Haufen Neuerungen!
Hamsterfans aufgepasst! Ein gigantisches Update ist da und bringt eine Flut an neuen Inhalten und Verbesserungen mit sich! Macht euch bereit, in eine Welt voller spannender Abenteuer und unvergesslicher Erlebnisse einzutauchen.

Was euch erwartet:

Eine brandneue Lobby: Die Lobby wurde komplett überarbeitet und bietet euch jetzt noch mehr Platz und Möglichkeiten, euch mit anderen Spielern zu treffen und auszutauschen.

Automatische Ränge: Ein neues Rangsystem sorgt dafür, dass ihr für eure Leistungen im Spiel belohnt werdet und stetig neue Herausforderungen meistern könnt.

Ein epischer Nether: Der Nether wurde mit neuen Inhalten und Herausforderungen erweitert, die selbst die erfahrensten Spieler auf die Probe stellen werden.

Zugang zum Custom End: Erkundet das ultimative Ende und stellt euch den ultimativen Herausforderungen.

Ein neuer Enderdrache: Mit etwas Glück (25% Chance) könnt ihr euch dem neuen, noch mächtigeren Enderdrachen stellen.

Funktionale Upgrades: Endlich könnt ihr eure Homes, Quests und vieles mehr mit praktischen Upgrades verbessern.

Custom Hologramme: Erstellt eure eigenen Hologramme, genannt Hamstergramme, und drückt euch so individuell wie nie zuvor aus.

Und noch viel mehr!
Dieses Update bietet euch so viel Neues, dass ihr euch tagelang darin verlieren könnt. Also worauf wartet ihr noch? Taucht ein in die Welt von Hamstergames und erlebt unvergessliche Abenteuer!

Nächste Woche Samstag (Samstag, 11. Mai 2024 14:00) ist es übrigens soweit: Die Eröffnungsparty für das neue Event findet statt! Seid dabei und feiert mit uns den Start in eine neue Ära von Hamstergames!

Talk about that on our Discord!
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The News you need!

Hey, want to stay up-to-date?

Then join our WhatsApp broadcast now! There are weekly updates about the server.
This includes bug fixes, implemented ideas and other news!

The best thing about it is that we can't see your number, and you're completely anonymous! So you don't have to worry about your number 😀
(This channel is only operated in German)
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Voting for Hamstergames

Let's boost Hamstergames up to the next Level! With a vote, you can not only support us, but you also support yourself! Before you ask in what way, I can tell you! You get a few items, levels, and the most important money and tokens. That is one of the best ways to show us, that you just want to support our server. Supporting the server don't have to be money, it can just be as easy as this! 🙂

Now to Hamstergames itself

Welcome to Hamstergames, a modern, innovative, and player-friendly server.

Our server currently offers two different game modes for your enjoyment.

One of these game modes is Creative. Here, you can let your creative traits out and have your areas secured to keep them safe. Unlike Survival, we don't have seasons or other game-changing stuff here! That's why we have cars that you can tear through the streets with. In addition, games have already built many cool things, such as an amusement park. If you need a little more light, you can give yourself night vision in the menu, which can be opened with "/menu", or just teleport yourself, give you items that you can use when building or teleport to a spot where many players stay.

Now, let's delve into our core feature! Survival. You can actually do anything on Survival! From money giants to item giants! Fish for Rewards, Awesome Playtime Rewards, Daily Rewards, Vote Rewards and much, much more! There is a bank where you can deposit up to 500 million (your money even multiplies!). Of course, as there is already a bank, a much too cheap shop has also been added to sell your items for pretty much nothing and not much else to buy. Of course, as it should be, we have an auction system on the server so that the players can also buy items that are not available in the shop for much too expensive money. Of course you can also vote by entering "/vote" in the game and you'll get great rewards on top of that. As is often asked, there are also cosmetic things in the game and there is a great selection under the hood!

Furthermore, should you have any questions or want to connect with fellow players, our friendly team can always be found on our Discord channel.

And the best part? In addition to supporting German and English, we also cater to five other languages, making Hamstergames accessible and enjoyable for a truly diverse global community!

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Improve Your Minecraft Experience with Our Interactive Server Maps

Navigating the vast worlds of Minecraft can be an exhilarating adventure, but it can also be daunting to explore without a clear direction.
That's where our innovative server maps come in, providing you with an interactive guide to discover stunning builds, immerse yourself in the rich landscapes our Minecraft servers have to offer, and find your way around with ease.

Our server maps are more than just visual aids; they're comprehensive tools that empower you to:

Explore the Hidden Gems: Unearth hidden gems and breathtaking builds crafted by talented players, allowing you to immerse yourself in diverse architectures and creative endeavors.

Navigate with Ease: Our intuitive maps provide a clear overview of the server, making it effortless to locate specific locations, landmarks, and points of interest.

Join our community and experience the difference!

Disclaimer is not affiliated with Minecraft, Mojang Studios, or Microsoft.